Let’s Talk Process
“What are you using for processing?”
I use a Jobo CPP2 for C-41 + E6 & a Jobo CPE2 for B/W! This machine regulates temperature and has rotary agitation ensuring consistency of development throughout the roll.
“What size are the scans?”
High resolution scans are the industry standard!!! You’re getting fat juicy tiff files baby!!! Tiff files are roughly 90-110mb, 300ppCM, which equates to roughly 762dpi. We dont mess around when it comes to quality files. Minimum long edge is 3000pixels, depending on the format.
Here are some examples below
(note resolution size is per CM)
“What if you mess up my film?”
While I take every precaution possible to avoid this, I am only human. Equipment fails, things happen, I have your back.. dont worry. Limit of Liability is included in your order form and reads as follows:
Submitting any tangible or electronic media, image, data, file, card, disc, device, film, print, slide, or negative for, any purpose, such as processing, printing, duplication, alteration, enlargement, storage, transmission, or other handling, constitutes an AGREEMENT that any loss or damage by our company, subsidiary, or agents, even though by our negligence or other faulty, will only entitle you to replacement with an equivalent quantity/size, of unexposed photographic film, or electric media, and processing of the replacement media. Except for such replacement, our acceptance of the media, image, data, file, card, disc, device, film, print, slide or negative is without other liability, and recovery for any incidental or consequential damage is excluded. No express or implied warranty is provided.”
“How are negatives shipped?”
Negatives are shipped via USPS or UPS in an archival full-roll sleeve. The negatives will be un-cut unless you order contact sheets! They are shipped in a 4x4x4 crush proof box that you can re-use to send us your next order!
“What are your prices?”
click HERE
“I have disposable cameras and film from 10+ years ago, can I send it in?”
Yes! See the link above for our prices. Old film is the same price as new film.
Additional questions? Reach out!
But please read this page first, 90% of the emails we get can be answered by browsing our website and as of lately answering emails has been taking me longer per day than processing 40 rolls of film
“Do you accept 110 film?”
No, we do not have the equipment for it. Maybe in the future.
“Why is your turn around time 4-6 weeks?”
Are you familiar with the “Fast, Cheap, Good” triangle? You can only have two, Not all three. If its fast and good, it won’t be cheap. If its cheap and good, it won’t be fast. We do our best to maintain a reasonable price point for our services and cannot possibly work any faster. We do all of our processing and scanning in small batches by hand to ensure maximum control over the quality of our services. None of our equipment is automated. We choose quality and affordability first!
When you send us a roll, here is what happens to it:
1- The roll is logged in meaning we create an order folder with your info/ rolls to keep track of your film.
2- The film is added to the processing que. We process in the order we receive the film. It will usually sit for a week before it gets to the front of the line depending on how much film we have in house.
3- Once it is processed, it gets scanned! Now here is where our biggest bottleneck is. We can only scan 30 rolls a day. Once the rolls are scanned they are converted to positives. While the conversion software we use is good, its not great. The scans need a second review for the colors to be adjusted, fixed, and corrected from any mistakes the conversion software has made, which, it makes alot of mistakes. Not a single film scan has passed through this lab without me (the owner) personally reviewing it.
4- Once the scans are in tip-top shape, they get exported and emailed to you!! Wohooo!! We prioritize this step at all costs. It is important to us to get your your scans as soon as we humanly can. We know the anticipation can be a bit much!!
5- Once your scans are sent, we will fulfill anything else within your order. Such as prints, contact sheets, etc. This usually will take 1-2 weeks depending on what you ordered.
6- Now that your order is totally fulfilled, time to ship your negatives back! We only spent 2 days a month shipping out orders. Usually around the 15th, and again at the end of the month. Since we prioritize getting out scans, there might be a bit of time between receiving your scans and getting your physical package back. But don’t worry, we keep them safe for you while we have them here!
“What is your turn around time?”
4-6 weeks.
The most important thing to us is QUALITY - not speed. We do not have any automated equipment so your orders are done by hand. This makes our process slower than most labs, but our quality higher.
We will be doing some fundraising in the next few months to upgrade some of our equipment to help get orders out faster. We are not the fast lab, but we are the lab that really cares about your film.
“How do I ship you my film?”
I recommend putting the rolls of film in a ziplock bag with a note that states your name and address incase the film gets lost in transit and somebody opens the package. Bubble mailers work the best, and you can ship it from home using USPS click & ship. Sometimes it is cheaper if you go to the post office physically, and ship it from there. You can also print out a “DO NOT XRAY” notice to attach to the package, here’s a link from Kodak that you can download!
“Can I send disposable cameras? What if they are old and expired”
Yes of course!! Just include in the order notes or with a hand written note what the expiration year is. Disposable cameras are no different than processing regular film.
“What do you use to scan?”
Only the best!! My lab is equipped with the Pro Kit by Negative Supply. “Whats that?”
Negative Supply is a company producing modern equipment for film scanning. Heres the thing- modern film scanners don’t exactly exist. What’s out in the world is whats left over after being used in pro labs for years and years, the software is tricky, and everything is so out dated. Negative Supply has identified this white space when it comes to film scanning and has filled the gap beautifully!
Their kit allows for DSLR scanning in the most efficient and high quality process possible. I am doing all of my film scanning with a Sony A7iii. Scans are done in raw giving them epic dynamic range and quality- allowing for those fat juicy tiffs files.
“What precautions do you take to ensure negatives are not scratched/damaged?”
After developing, negatives are hung in a custom made drying cabinet fitted with air filters to avoid dust. Once dry, negatives are preserved in a full-roll plastic sleeve and then scanned. The Negative Supply negative carriers ensure that your film is not scratched during the scanning process.
“I have a roll of film that contains NSFW images, is it okay to send?”
Yes, we are a team of girls and respect your privacy. A lot of our customers are fine art nude photographers and prefer our lab because we are a full female team.
“Why did you charge me for shipping?
To send you your negatives back